Department of Investment Development of Smolensk region
214025, Smolensk, Poltavskaya str., 8A
Phone: (4812) 20-55-20; fax: (4812) 20-55-39
LLC Corporation of Investment Development of Smolensk region
Address: 214025, Smolensk, Poltavskaya str., 8A
Phone: (4812) 77-00-22
CEO Konstantin Kassirov
Director of Technical Matters Sergey Kucherov
Phone: (4812) 77-00-28
Director of Land Matters
Phone: (4812) 77-00-26
Acting Director of Promotion of the Region Murad Rasulov
Phone: (4812) 77-00-24
Director of Public and Private Partnership Veronika Kolpakova Phone: (4812) 77-00-10
Acting Governor of Smolensk region
Alexey Ostrovskiy
Address: 214008, Smolensk, Lenin square, 1
Phone/fax: +7 (4812) 38-66-11, 38-68-51
E-mail: region@admin.smolensk.ru
Representation of Administration of Smolensk region at the Government of the Russian Federation
Head of Representation of Administration of Smolensk region at the Government of the Russian Federation
Alexey Korchin
Address: 121248, Moscow, Kutuzovskiy prospect, 11
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 221-23-36, 221-23-34
E-mail: smolensk.pred@admin-smolensk.ru
Department of Agriculture and Food of Smolensk Region Head of the Department Tatyana Rybchenko Address: 214008, Smolensk, Lenin square, 1 Phone/fax: +7 (4812) 29-22-41, 29-22-41 Website: selhoz.admin-smolensk.ru E-mail: selhoz@admin.smolensk.ru
Department of Property and Land Matters in Smolensk Region
Head of the Department
Address: 214008, Smolensk, Lenin square, 1
Phone/fax: +7 (4812) 29-10-41, 32-62-72
Website: admin-smolensk.ru
E-mail: depim@admin.smolensk.ru
Department of Healthcare of Smolensk Region
Head of the Department
Vladimir Stepchenkov
Address: 214008, Smolensk, Lenin square, 1
Phone/fax: +7 (4812) 29-22-01, 38-67-58
Website: zdrav-dep.admin-smolensk.ru
E-mail: zdrav@admin.smolensk.ru, zdrav@admin.sml
Business Rights Commissioner in Smolensk region
Alexey Yefremenkov
Address: 214008, Smolensk, Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya str., 14A, room 307
Phone: (4812) 20-46-35
Website: ombudsmanbiz67.ru
E-mail: info@ombudsmanbiz67.ru