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The Smolensk agricultural producers showed the first results at the agroexhibition FOOD CITY

At the end of March the Governor of the region Alexey Ostrovsky took part in opening of the pavilion of the Smolensk region in the territory of the largest wholesale and food agrocluster Food City. It is possible to speak about the first progress of an initiative which allowed the Smolensk producers to expand sales markets of agricultural products.

The German partners are interested in development of joint projects with the Smolensk producers

The capacity of Smolensk region has been presented for the German enterprises at the meeting of the Russian-German Working group on agricultural and food mechanical engineering, which has taken place in Berlin. Also within a framework of the visit to Germany the representatives of the Russian companies have held business meetings with the German partners.

The enterprises of the region will release products for needs of the Arctic Regions

Production of the enterprises of Smolensk region is included into catalogs of hi-tech industrial products and services for needs of the arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

The pavilion of Smolensk region has opened at the international exhibition of food products FOOD CITY

The pavilion of Smolensk region has opened in the territory of the largest wholesale and food agrocluster Food City within the permanent international exhibition of food products. The Governor Alexey Ostrovsky participated in a ceremony.

The portal about small and medium-sized enterprises has been launched in Smolensk

The business portal MadeinSmolensk containing up-to-date information about development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship of Smolensk region has begun its work on the Internet.

The experts determined new approach in development of Vyazma

The agreement signature about municipal and private and public partnership in the field of social and economic development of the city Vyazma in Smolensk region took place within the tourist exhibition Inturmarket – 2017 (Moscow).

A working meeting with the head of representative office of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Central Federal District

The Governor Alexey Ostrovsky held a working meeting with the head of representative office of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the Central Federal District Dmitry Abramov. During the conversation the participants discussed the prospects of a bilateral cooperation.

Dmitry Medvedev approved creation of the territory of priority development in Dorogobuzh

The Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the decision on creation of four territories of priority development in Smolensk, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk regions and in the Komi Republic.

The industrial park Phoenix had the first resident

The agreement signature ceremony between Administration of Smolensk region and the first resident of the state industrial park Phoenix LLC ALVIDPROF (the group of companies Alvid) was held within the work of the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi.

Smolensk KDM plant has received money for the modernization

Smolensk KDM plant continues modernization of production sites and upgrade of complex road machines with assistance of PJSC AKIBANK.

The perspective project on processing will be launched in the territory of the monotown Dorogobuzh

The agreement signing ceremony about a cooperation between Administration of Smolensk region and LLC Urban Engineering South was held within the key investment platform of the country the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi.

The Governor of the region signed the agreement on implementation of the large investment project in the territory of the monotown Dorogobuzh

Within the work of the Russian Investment Forum that takes place in Sochi the Governor of Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovsky and the CEO of limited liability company BALANCE of WHITE Igor Zholobov signed the Agreement on cooperation.

The public-private partnership will receive a new impetus of development in the region

The Agreement on cooperation between Administration of Smolensk region and LLC DIREKTION has been signed at the Russian Investment Forum Soch-2017.

The agreement on cooperation between Administration of the region and the holding AlfiGroup

The signing of an agreement about intentions between Administration of Smolensk region and the holding AlfiGroup took place within a business part of the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. The agreement provides a cooperation in case of implementation of the investment project on production organization of portland cement Dorogobuzh Сement in the territory of Dorogobuzhsky district.

Alexey Ostrovsky participated in a plenary session of the Russian investment forum in Sochi

Under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev the plenary meeting “Investments into regions of Russia: priorities of regional policy” took place within the work of the Russian investment forum Sochi-2017 in which the Governor Alexey Ostrovsky took part.

The Smolensk delegation takes part in work of Russian Investment Forum

The Smolensk delegation headed by the Governor of Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovsky takes part in work of the Russian investment forum that has been started in Sochi.

The company Miratorg continues implementation of the investment project in Smolensk region

The Government of the Russian Federation disposed to provide two land plots in Smolensk region in long-term lease to the Bryansk meat company entering the agro-industrial holding Miratorg for construction of livestock complexes and creation of the logistic center.

Businessmen of Elninsky district were told about regional infrastructure of business support

A seminar for businessmen on the subject “Support of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Region” has taken place in a conference room of Administration of the municipality Elninsky district.

Work on construction of the industrial parks is continued in Smolensk region

The working meeting on construction of the industrial park Phoenix in the territory of Smolensk region has taken place in Corporation of investment development of Smolensk region.

There is a work on creation of a tourist cluster in Smolensk region

The interim results of work of the Center of Cluster Development (CCD) have been considered during the meeting on rendering the state support to subjects of business activity in Smolensk region. The meeting has taken place under the chairmanship of the Governor of Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovsky. 

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